Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Days 27 and 28 of Challenge - Recreating one of your own manicures and non glitter topper

Closing in on that 31st day now, and a chance to recreate one of my previous manicures. I chose the Lightening Bolt manicure that I did in my very first post on this blog and using the very first OPI polishes that I ever bought!

I love the colour combinations, these OPI's are from their EURO Central Collection and are 'I can't find my Czechbook' and 'OPI... Eurso Euro' and for the silver I used Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in 'Coat of Arms' a lovely £1 purchase from Pound World.

Takes a wee while to do this manicure as you need to wait for each layer of polish to dry before taping and painting the lightening bolt. I followed this tutorial from elleandish/ Janelle.

Very happy with the way this came out and I think it's neater than my first attempt.

Next was a question of topping a manicure with something other than glitter? Bit stumped on this one, considered a crackle topper or matt coat. But decided to go with this topper from W.I.P nail polish called 'All-Sorts' that I bought from Urban Outfitters.

Technically I guess it's a matt glitter, and it's much brighter than this picture shows. I tried to create a heart with this topper on my ring finger and thumb, you can kinda see it, but as I had to fish a bit for the glitter there was quite a build up of the clear base in making these shapes. I also tried to create a heart stencil with some scotch tape and that didn't quite work either and because the tape was clear it was hard to see the shape, what do you guys use?

The base for this manicure is Sally Hansen Complete Salon Manicure in 'Pat on the Black' which is a really, really dark purple polish. GORGEOUS!

Also my Model Own's sale polishes arrived, I can't WAIT to try them, think they may be appearing in this challenge before it ends!

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